Summer Camp:
Applause! The Lion Queen
In this NEW Moonlit Wings two-week camp, kids act in our original musical 'The Lion Queen,' a fresh take on a familiar favorite and bring the savannah to the stage. Explore improvisation games, character creation, a talent show, and more to develop imagination, storytelling skills, and teamwork. All levels welcome. Family/friends enjoy a mini-performance on the last day. Bring swimsuit/towel for swim break. Prefer to be behind-the-scenes? Teens ages 14+ interested in our tech program instead of performing can email info@moonlitwings.org. Once registered, download camp forms from website.
★ Ages 7-14 act at several locations across Herndon & Fairfax County
JUL 7 - JUL 18, 2025
Providence RECenter
JUL 21 - AUG 1, 2025
South Run RECenter
Click here to sign up.

Get in the spotlight! Questions? Email info@moonlitwings.org.